Sunday, June 19, 2011

Whistle While You Work!

Work, work, work...  Once the best season in the year when you could play all day long, run around barefoot, go on vacations, see friends whenever you wanted, and stay up late.  Now it is the dreaded season for summer jobs, working endless hours at a job that you can't stand, coming home too tired to hang out with people, and sacrificing all thought of fun for the sake of a few hard earned bucks.  Tragic.
Because of countless first-hand reports that I had heard from friends on the subject, this happened to be my idea of what a summer job could and would look like.  And therefore I was beginning to dread the thought of summer.  As the days drew closer I became more and more nervous that my childhood summers of fun were about to come to a harsh end.  However... I learned enough this past year that I carry something in me that is so much greater than anything in the world.  Circumstances can not define my stances.  Hard situations cannot dampen my peace and my joy.  "I have found a peace that plows on through the storm.  I have found a joy that jumps over sadness."  This world cannot make me and it cannot break me.  I have the secret gift (or weapon) of my best friend - Holy Spirit.  So I determined in my heart that although this summer was different due to my first real summer job, I was not going to let it change my attitude.
And, praise the Lord, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that I actually enjoy working!  I found myself laughing on the way home because contrary to many people's experiences, I loved my job!  God is so good like that.  He loves giving His kids good gifts.  And even when there are hard situations, it's not because He is punishing us, He is giving us the gift of an opportunity to grow.  I love that!
So all this to say that I really am enjoying having a summer job.  It keeps me busy and is bringing in some good finances.  AND I am finding that I have plenty of time to play and enjoy this summer just as much as any other summer.  PTL :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Do Whatever Makes You Come Alive

Before we left BSSM, some students asked the leaders what they would recommend we do this summer to prepare for 2nd year.  Of course they shared about the importance of maintaining our secret place with the Lord.  But then they said something that came as somewhat of a shock, but a refreshing one.  They said, "Do whatever makes you come alive."  This was a new idea to me.  In the past I have had somewhat of a religious mindset.  I limited myself and even God by believing that the ONLY true good use of my time was alone with God in my prayer closet.  First you have to understand that the secret place alone with the Lord is my most cherished place.  I would rather waste my life at His feet than in doing any other self pursuit.  But when you write this as a law for yourself (I must spend ALL my free time in the prayer closet), you lose not only the value in your choice to be with God, but you also miss the joys that God has hidden for you in many different places and activities.  God is not a boring God!  So many times would I sacrifice doing something I enjoyed because I felt like it was an unholy waste of time.  Or I would feel guilty whenever I spent much time doing those things.  I believe God enjoys all the things we enjoy.  And we can still be in communion with God while doing those things.  I have come to realize how fast time really goes and I want to spend every moment to it's fullest potential.
So what do you enjoy?  What brings you life and fulfillment?  When do you feel the most alive?
As I've embraced this new freedom - freedom from the law - I HAVE found so much life an joy.  Within the last couple of weeks I have taken time to be crazy, laugh a lot, and do what used to seem like a waste of time.  From sipping tea while reading a fictional (gasp) book, to jumping on the trampoline.  Waving a cattail in the wind and watching the fluff be whisked away.  Watching the hysterical unfolding events as my little brothers try to sail their home-made boat (which unfortunately sank instead).  Talking with my best friend while swinging for hours.  Mastering the ancient technique of frisbee throwing in the park.  Walking around down town and getting mostly lost.  Day dreaming.  Finding my hidden creative being within.  Sitting down and intentionally tickling the ivories.  These are all things that have made me come alive and I am making it an unofficial summer goal to continue doing similar things alongside of my already established secret place with the Lord.  I think putting those together will make for one heck of a summer!