
If you would like to support me financially, there are a couple of options you can consider.

1) You can send money through PayPal which will go directly to my account.  You can do this by clicking the "Donate" button on the right sidebar.  This will not be tax-deductable.
2)  If you want to get the tax refund I have a system set up with my church back home.  You can send a check to the church, they will in turn write me a check for that same amount.  To do that, make the check out to "Bridgeway Church" and then in the memo line put "The Burn 24/7".  The address for the church is 5201 E Warren Ave, Denver, CO 80222.
3) If you would like to send a monthly check, you can set up an online bill pay with your bank.  Set it up to be sent to "Bridgeway Church" with "The Burn 24/7" as the code.  With this set up, your bank would automatically send a check at the same time every month from your account.