The second week of the trip continued on with just as much diversity as the first week. At times, this was difficult for me. I just wanted to stay wherever we were at because I loved it so much and I wanted to invest time there. But then we would go to another place or ministry and I would love that one just as much. So even though it was hard going from one place to the next, I ended up being blessed by every place we went to. The Lord was also teaching me about embracing wherever I am, not worrying about whether or not I'm in the right place or doing the right thing. He taught me to love on whoever is in front of me. Things don't always happen as we would like them to, but as we learn to abandon ourselves to simply love, we get the most out of every moment that we possibly can.
We did a lot of children's ministry that week. We went to a home for kids with special needs. Such a beautiful experience. One of the girls had just had her 15th birthday, so we brought in a full blown party to celebrate her. Balloons, silly string, music, dancing, cake, and songs. That, my friends, is ministry at it's finest. We had no agenda in going there but to celebrate each of these kids by being with them and bringing smiles to their faces. These kids never got visitors, so for them, those couple of hours were a treat.
One of my favorite things that we did was pouring into the workers and directors of the different ministries. I absolutely love getting to minister to those people who are constantly pouring their lives out for others. Seeing them get touched by the Holy Spirit as we spoke words of life, destiny, and encouragement over them was an absolute highlight for me. One particular day, we got to minister to our translators and the leaders of the Global Children's Movement - the ministry that we were partnered with. After a few short minutes of splitting everyone up into groups and spreading out in the room, the room became this beautiful mess of intense prayer and prophesy, tears of deep emotion, hearts in love with Jesus put on display. I loved it! As I participated and later just stepped back and watched, I became so overwhelmed by the goodness of God that was evident everywhere. I felt led to dance as God was stirring in my spirit to release something over these beautiful people. I don't know exactly what it was that He was having me release, but I really felt like He was doing something in the spirit as I danced.
The last piece that I want to share about is some of the more evangelistic ministry that we did. Now, let me start off by saying that I have never seen evangelism as my thing. Of course I know that we are all called to evangelize and spread the Gospel, but I also know that that looks different according to each person's calling. So for me, evangelism doesn't normally look like approaching strangers on the street. So needless to say, I wasn't jumping up and down when we were going to do evangelism. But as we went, the Lord was so gracious. Although I was stretched, it felt easy and natural to share the love of Jesus with people. We went to Plaza Fosh, the red-light district in downtown Quito. We were hoping to minister to prostitutes, but unfortunately it was pouring rain that night and none of the girls were out. But we still went out and saw God move regardless of the contrary weather. My group got to talk to a bunch of different drug dealers on the street. We started out simply offering hot chocolate that we had in a thermos. From there we asked them if the had pain in their bodies and if we could pray for them. We saw a women healed of stomach pain and another women healed of an intense head ache. I got to speak to one lady about hearing the voice of God and we prayed for her to feel God's presence. We talked to one man who wanted healing for his heart. He said that he knew that he wasn't right spiritually and that he wanted to be. We got to pray with him for salvation and he felt God's presence over his body like an energy! Another day we went into a maternity hospital for women who couldn't afford a doctor. For this reason, many of the babies had issues. It was incredible being there in a room of 30 women and having the opportunity to pray for each of them. So many were touched by God's love and peace as we prayed over some pretty scary situations. One lady had just had a C-section because of twins and was in intense pain where the surgery was done. We prayed for her a couple of times and the pain completely left. She was in tears as she praised the Lord and thanked us for coming. We also got to speak to her about what an incredible mother she was going to be and the destinies that her children had. I was blown away at the fact that we could even be there. I kept thinking, "there is no way I could ever do this in the states!" So the favor and open doors that we had while we were there was amazing.
So in coming back, I have a lot to think about. I mean A LOT to think about - processing through what God did on the trip, processing through my Bethel experience as it comes to a close, trying to get clarity on what I'm doing over the summer, and then considering different internships for the fall. Aye aye aye! But I'm trying not to think too much, because most of what the Lord is doing in my life right now is deep things in my spirit. The mind can't comprehend the spirit, so it gets frustrated when it tries. So even though there is so much transition I am going through at the moment, I cling to God's goodness and His ever abiding presence. I feel Him in the midst of the craziness and I know that I have nothing to worry about. I am so undone by Him and what He has done over the past month in my life. So why should I worry or why should I freak out? He so intimately knows me and what it is I need.
Thank you all for your prayers!
Oh and PS I got 180 mosquito bites on my legs! Just thought I should add that in somewhere.